
ReBORN -Regeneration Beyond Our Rust Notion- / New York

旭化成(Material : PLA) × ARTとして、「錆」をテーマに新たな価値を創造する展示、
「ReBORN -Regeneration Beyond Our Rust Notion-」

FICTION「ReBORN -Regeneration Beyond Our Rust Notion-」

Asahi Kasei Corp. will collaborate with “Sabi Washi” (rust paper) creator Sakuho Ito in holding “ReBORN”, an art exhibition that expresses biodegradable nonwoven fabric which is made mainly from PLA (polylactic acid) as a decaying beauty.

@FICTION 525 West 26th Street, 1st Floor, New York, NY, 10001
October 10th to 16th, 2019
Open 11:00am – 6:00pm
Closed on October 13th
October 16th: 11:00am to 1:00pm
Opening Reception: Oct. 10th 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Workshop: Oct. 12th
Presented by Asahi Kasei Corp.
Produced by sensingnet Inc.


Posted on 2019/09/28 17:44 by 伊藤 咲穂

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