[Soil pollution Ⅰ]

[Soil pollution Ⅰ]


[Soil pollutionⅠ]

[Soil Pollution Ⅰ]
In Sakuho’s artwork, “Overlap,” she expresses the phenomenon of each cell becoming a great depth due to the overlapping of time. As a derivation of “Overlap,” she creates an image of soil in this artwork to display that soil is gradually contaminated with the development of human civilization. Vivid and poisonous cells can be noticed inside the settle brownish color in this painting. They cannot be simply defined as good or bad; however, they are described as the “feeling” of a human having to accept them and keep on living as a human. And the new generation, including myself, will have to live with all the issues of the previous generation.

Posted on 2020/04/11 22:33 by 伊藤 咲穂

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