[Uterus Pollution Ⅱ]

[Uterus Pollution Ⅱ]


[Uterus Pollution Ⅱ]

[Uterus Pollution Ⅱ]
In Sakuho’s artwork, “Overlap,” she expresses the phenomenon of each cell becoming a great depth due to the overlapping of time. As a derivation of “Overlap,” she creates an image of a uterus in this artwork to display that a human is gradually contaminated with the development of human civilization. A human takes in every substance and passes it on to the next generation. This aspect cannot be merely defined as good or bad; however, this event is described as the “feeling” of a human having to accept it and keep on living as a human. And the new generation, including myself, will have to live with all the issues of the previous generation.

Posted on 2020/04/11 22:31 by 伊藤 咲穂

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